Senior Software Engineer

תאור התפקיד

c#, java, node.js, javascript, swift, ruby, html5, css, react, and whatever’s needed. cloud architecture with micro-services and high availability best practices agile, lean, kanban, ci, cd and devops unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests

דרישות התפקיד

Who’s the perfect match for us?
  • A highly motivated developer with experience in development, design and architecture.
  • There are no managers ,so you’re going to have to be extremely responsible and independent.
  • We’re using Lean Startup methodologies, which means we’ll need you to be agile and data-driven too.
  • Our culture focuses on constantly getting more professional in what we do, and this requires open-minded people who love to learn and create.
In short – we welcome any developer with lots of experience in object-oriented or functional paradigms, and we’re not picky about languages. We’ve recently been writing mostly JavaScript, C#, Java and React. We have a very strong team, and we’re looking for people who want to learn as well as bring their experience to the table and introduce us to new stuff.